Dear HHU-SymPore-Team,
This is a friendly reminder to submit your timesheet(s) for February, as well as any previous months if you haven’t done so already. For our new team members, I’ve attached the timesheet template to this email. Please ensure you use the correct Excel sheet for the respective month.
Once you’ve filled it out and gotten it signed by both you and your PI, you can leave the printout on my desk.
Thank you for your cooperation and I hope you have a wonderful, sunny day ☀︎
Best wishes

Alena Pauels (she/her)
Project Coordinator SymPore
Working days: Tuesday – Friday
Heinrich–Heine–Universität Düsseldorf
Institute for Molecular Physiology
Universitätsstraße 1
Building: 26.14 Floor 00 Room 27
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Email: alena.pauels(a) <>
Phone +49 211 81–14623